Friday, May 15, 2009

Four eyes

After months of being concerned that signs and license plates were blurry and Johnathan telling me HE could see them, my new eyes have arrived - straight from Tomorrowland circa 1959! Although I don't have to wear them all the time, the difference between my old eyes and my new ones makes me wonder why I wouldn't wear them. I have a slight headache from wearing them today. If you can't tell, they are brown with an aqua/turquoise background. I am excited to see my next movie wearing these babies. Johnathan says it adds a couple years to my face. As I am not to the age where this would be a blatant insult, I agree. With age comes authority, right? Guess I am ready to command something, the next mission to mars, a museum tour, or maybe just my own offspring. Oh the possibilities! Thank you new eyes, thank you!


Anonymous said...

Still beautiful,and handsome, after all these years! You both look wonderful with your "new" eyes.I pray you will like all the new things you will see more clearly now, and that great positive opportunities will be before you to experience.You are so loved.From LA,NM

Heather said...

Your own offspring, eh? :) Those are fun glasses! Glad you can see better!!!